The International Baccalaureate (IB) categorizes action into five groups: participation, advocacy, social justice, social entrepreneurship, and lifestyle choices.

Participation involves actively engaging in the learning community and demonstrating commitment to contributing both individually and as part of a group.

Advocacy encompasses taking individual or collective action to publicly support positive social, environmental, or political change.

Social justice entails taking action for positive change in relation to human rights, equality, and equity, addressing societal advantages and disadvantages, and advocating for social well-being and justice for all.

Social entrepreneurship involves supporting positive social change by responding to the needs of local, national, and global communities, utilizing prior knowledge and skills to identify and address challenges and opportunities in innovative, resourceful, and sustainable ways.

Lifestyle choices simply refer to making positive changes in one's lifestyle in response to learning (IBO’s “The Learner,” 2020).

Action in the PYP
Fostering a culture of reflection and empowering students to translate their insights into meaningful action at personal, local, or global scales is a fundamental aspect of the IB philosophy. This aligns seamlessly with the mission, vision, and values of Dwight School Hanoi. Students are provided with diverse opportunities and comprehensive support to extend their classroom learning into tangible contributions to the world. Whether through advocacy, research, or direct and indirect service, students across all age groups in the PYP program are guided in discovering avenues to apply their knowledge in ways that positively impact others. Facilitating action initiated by students has prompted numerous discussions on how to exemplify this process for students, grant them the autonomy and time required to initiate action, and educate them on the diverse forms of action available.

Service as Action in the MYP
Facilitating service involves enabling students to forge authentic connections between their classroom learning and real-world encounters within the community. When intertwined with academic concepts, the service experience provides avenues for students to apply both skills and knowledge, delving into the intricacies of the community. This engagement fosters personal insight, the development of existing and new skills, and cultivates confidence and responsibility as students actively participate in the tangible, real-world context beyond the school environment.

Participation in Service & Action at Dwight School Hanoi fosters a holistic development in students. They gain heightened awareness of their strengths and areas for growth, confront challenges that facilitate the acquisition of new skills, and actively engage in discussions, evaluations, and planning of activities. Through perseverance in action, effective collaboration with peers, and the cultivation of international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism, and intercultural understanding, students emerge with a nuanced perspective. Additionally, they are encouraged to contemplate the ethical implications of their actions, fostering a sense of responsibility and ethical awareness.

Creativity, Activity, Service in the DP
In the DP, the significance of service is evident in shaping a student's commitment to social responsibility, community engagement, and global consciousness. Engaging in service activities offers students a chance to put their knowledge, abilities, and attitudes into practical use, contributing positively to their communities. Furthermore, participation in service cultivates essential skills like teamwork, communication, leadership, and problem-solving, all of which are advantageous for succeeding in both academic and professional pursuits. Additionally, involvement in service endeavors fosters personal growth by allowing students to gain a profound understanding of themselves and their interconnectedness with the world. Service in the CAS program of the DP contributes to the IB’s mission to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Duke of Edinburgh International Award

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DofE) presents an excellent opportunity for Dwight School Hanoi Upper School students to broaden their horizons, explore new interests and talents, enjoy time with friends, cultivate crucial skills for their future, and attain a globally recognized Award. It's an inclusive and non-competitive initiative that encourages young people to set personal challenges and surpass their own limits. The DofE program consists of three levels – Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards – each achieved by successfully completing the program.

Participating in the DofE not only allows students to forge friendships and create lasting memories but also helps in developing qualities like confidence, resilience, and self-esteem, which are beneficial for mental health. The program equips them with essential skills for both work and life, such as problem-solving, teamwork, and self-motivation. Additionally, the international recognition of the Award can enhance their standing when applying for university or future employment.

To earn the Bronze Award, participants need to fulfill requirements in four sections: Skills, Volunteering, Physical, and Expedition. Each student's DofE program is personalized, allowing them to choose activities for the Skills, Volunteering, and Physical sections, and existing activities can often be counted. Guidance and support are provided, and students can opt to continue with current activities or explore entirely new ones. The time commitment for each section is a minimum of one hour per week over a specified period, allowing flexibility around studies, hobbies, and social commitments.

The Expedition section involves our students collaborating in small teams to plan their expedition's objective, choose their activity, select a location, and undergo training for preparation. Prior to the expedition, DofE participants receive specific training covering basic expedition principles and familiarizing them with expedition equipment. This training usually takes place after school during the latter part of the school year, with additional sessions where students plan their route and make preparations.

At Dwight School Hanoi, all Grade 9 students will be enrolled into the program, with an expectation to complete the Bronze level by the end of Grade 9. Students may then choose to continue with the Silver and Gold levels. Should students join Dwight School Hanoi In Grades 10-12, they may do a direct entry into Silver or Gold, with slight adjustments to the timelines of each program.

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